Thursday, December 24, 2009

Reflection on Technology Course

  • In what ways has this course helped you to develop your own technology skills?

During this course I had to make and use a blog, an interactive wiki, and post a podcast. This course guided me through the above mentioned new technologies. It gave direction and guidance on how to become a 21st century learner as well as a 21st century teacher. It also showed me that even if you are not actual using an actual computer or piece of technology you may still be teaching 21st century skills in your classroom. It made me more aware of technology around me.

  • In what ways can you continue to expand your knowledge of technology integration with the aim of student achievement?

Of course I can continue expanding my knowledge by using the Internet. I can search for new articles or lessons on technology. I can continue blogging on different sites to keep up to date on new information. First and foremost just be a sponge on 21st century skills. Plan lessons that use 21st century skills in the classroom.

  • Set 2 long term goals

Goal 1-I plan to ask for more Smart Boards when we move locations next year. So my primary students can interact with technology on a more consistent basis. Also, take them to the Smart Board as often as possible.

Goal 2-Give my students more opportunities in the classroom to access interactive websites and podcasts during their center time. I will make a rotation chart so that each child has equal amounts of exposure to the computer.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


This week we had to make a audio only podcast with our children from our classroom. We were asked to interview at least 3 children on how they used technology in their lives. I found out that my students are digital natives of course. Learning how to use this new technology is interesting in its own right. Takes time but might be a useful tool in the classroom for assessment.

The URL for my podcast is:

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

Reaction to website: This website has lots of information. It seemed to try to bridge the gap between curriculum and technology. It gave lots of ways to implement technology into the core areas of teaching.

Information that surprised me: It gave life skills on how to use technology productively. That The United States is adopting the partnership of 21st century skills. There are 14 states currently adopting the partnership.

Did you disagree with anything on the website? Why?: What I read seemed like good ideas on how to use technology effectively.

What are the implications for your students, and for you as a contemporary educator?: For my students a basic understanding of the core subjects will help them the most. It has information on how and what to implement as far as technology goes. It gives information for educators on standards that they can use technology to achieve them.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Class pictures-11/3
K.S and K.S 5th B-day-11/7
Mrs. Rainey at Training-11/10 & 11/11
Thanksgiving Break-11/25-11/27

Theme for November-Fairy Tales, Thanksgiving, & Nutrition

Items needed-Boys dress up clothes (pilgrim, Native American, prince)

Utilizing this blog for the classroom

Well, utilizing this blog for my classroom will be a tad more challenging. I teach Pre-K which means I have a room full of 4-5 year old students some which don't even speak English. So, I think the way I can use this blog effectively would be to gear it towards all the parents. I can post current events and important dates. I can show them I am bettering myself by posting my blogs about class. I can also post pictures of work or student (with permission) assessment. One of the ways the state of GA asks us to show assessment is pictures. The parents don't get to see the pictures until the end of the year when they take their portfolio home. This might be a good way for them to see their child in action.

Friday, November 6, 2009

New Class

I have started class 3! I am excited about this class. We are actually learning about how to use technology in our classroom. This post is an initial post for this class.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Help and Garcia

Garcia told us to ask for help when needed. It might be harder to find or take more time, but if you really care about the learning of a child you will find a way to support them. Using our text Affirming Diversity is a good resource for techniques on helping ELL students. Not one book or technique will be enough for all students. You can not use something that was not designed for the students. Most teachers have a theory for your students and their learning. Your approach to learning will affect your teaching Garcia stated. If you go in thinking everyone is a blank slate and they all can learn then your students will succeed. If you label them as student's who must learn English first or conform to your theory will fail. They will not succeed at the level needed. Teachers must find ways to make their environment a language rich environment. The days of sitting there and listening and then taking a test are over. The students need to experiment with their language on a daily basis.